Be Voice of Tolerance
Phoenix is one of the only major cities that does not have a Holocaust Educational Center and Museum. With anti-semitic and hate crimes on the rise over the last 5 years in Arizona and the United States, now is the time to build a center to raise awareness and educate the community so that we can help to address these issues.
For more detailed information, visit Culter Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center website

Hope Chest Curriculum
Recorded Presentation
Community Engagement
Meet Robert Sutz &
Oskar's Life Mask
Featured Exclusive Artist
Oskar inspired educators, community members, and students to create resources that provide education about the Holocaust so that it is never forgotten. He hopes to inspire all to become UPSTANDERS for themselves and others.
Teachers and Community Leaders
Oskar is excited to introduce the Hope Chest curriculum created by amazing educators who, after reading his book and listening to his story, were inspired to use Oskar's experiences during the Holocaust to provide teachers with an extraordinary resource about the Holocaust. Oskar was delighted to learn that once a school orders the curriculum, the contents including books, teacher's guide, student journals, and authentic as well as recreated Holocaust artifacts, will be shipped in a vintage chest adding to the experience of students navigating through Oskar's journey.

Classrooms will receive books for each student to read during their Hope Chest Curriculum journey.

Hope Chest lessons include a variety of interactives, including Socratic seminar, tableau, photo analysis, and six-word story to build 21st century learning skills.

The Hope Chest Curriculum organizes A Boy’s Story, A Man’s Memory into thematic sections. Student journals correspond with each section and include vocabulary, chapter questions, journal prompts, and a critical thinking arts activity.
To review excerpts of the teacher's guide and student journal, please click on the "Learn More" link or visit for further information and Hope Chest Request Forms.
Since 2005, Oskar has spoken to over 500,000 people at a combined 800+ elementary schools, junior highs, high schools, collage campuses, corporations, community events and religious organizations. When added up, Oskar has given more than 2,000 presentations.
Oskar is stepping away from presenting to focus on other endeavors including his support in raising funds for the future Phoenix Holocaust Education Center and his podcast, "Tomorrow Will Be A Better Day". To continue spreading his voice of tolerance he is providing his 90-minute presentation. Also, included below the video is a time stamp list.
He hopes all of those who have heard him speak have walked away as UPSTANDERS, taking the word, "hate", out of their vocabulary and respecting one another and themselves. This video is his legacy to leave with you as a thank you for your time and commitment in teaching the history of the Holocaust.